Social Trader Certification
Bluegum Grounds Maintenance has received third party certification from Social Traders as a Social Enterprise. That is, the Bluegum business exists for the purpose of creating positive social and economic [...]
Bluegum Grounds Maintenance has received third party certification from Social Traders as a Social Enterprise. That is, the Bluegum business exists for the purpose of creating positive social and economic [...]
The Adult Literacy Trainer facilitated the development of a Workplace Committee to represent crew feedback and ideas, and to identify and deliver specific training. With support, the Workplace Committee developed [...]
Bluegum Grounds Maintenance of NOSS Tasmania is a sustainable social enterprise located on Kanamaluka land, that is transforming the lives of 20 individuals with diverse abilities. Their approach emphasises abilities [...]
NOSS Annual Report 2022-23 "It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Board, CEO, and our wonderful team, to welcome readers to the NOSS Tasmania Inc. (NOSS) Annual Report [...]
NOSS Annual Report 2021-22
We have uploaded our 2020/21 Annual Report to an MP4 file.
The Tax Institute's Inspiring Women in Business Breakfast in Launceston this week chose to recognise the International Day of People with Disability. The two speakers were Alison Venter, a truly [...]
Do you need support for the Disability Royal Commission? The Australian Government is funding counselling and advocacy support services for people with disability who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect and [...]
NOSS Annual Report 2019-20 NOSS Tasmania Inc. held the association’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 5th November at the Red Shed. Members said farewell to two board directors, Melinda Whybrow [...]
NOSS partners with Speak Out Advocacy to make sure people have the information and support they need about the Disability Royal Commission [...]
We’ve got your back – co-designing WH&S manual handling training The basics of manual handling are similar wherever people work, however each workplace is unique and has risks to [...]
The NOSS Annual General Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday 5th November, 2020, at the Red Shed, 3 Waterfront Drive, Riverside
Click here to see the current schedule. Bookings essential
Check out out June Red Shed activities! Red Shed June 2020 Updated Booking essential […]
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